第 9 课: It's my kickboard. 这是我的滑板车

Jennifer: What's that hunk of steel you're carrying? 你提的那么一大块破铜烂铁是什么玩意?

Billy: It's my kickboard. 这是我的浮板(滑板车)。

Jennifer: You'll drown if you think that's a kickboard. 如果你认为那是浮板的话,你会淹死的。

Billy: Jen, get with the show, OK? This is the latest mode of transportation. 阿花,赶上时髦,好吗?这是最新的交通方式。

Jennifer: OK, so you've graduated from your tricycle and moved onto the kickboard... 好的,所以你刚从三轮脚踏车晋级到滑板车……

Billy: Nice joke, Jen, but not every kickboard has three wheels. Some only have two wheels. 很好笑,阿花,可是不是每台滑板车都是三轮的。也有两轮的。

Jennifer: So it's like a skateboard with a stick? 看起来像是加了根杆子的滑板?

Billy: I'll accept that...It's got a plastic deck and a flexible joystick. 我同意……它有塑料制的踏板以及可伸缩的操纵杆。

Jennifer: Does it have brakes? 有煞车吗?

Billy: Rear wheel brakes. They help you turn or let you make a quick stop. 用后轮煞。它们帮你转弯或让你来个紧急煞车。

Jennifer: Let me see it! [picks it up] Oh! It's so heavy. 让我看看!(提起来)喔!好重。

Billy: It weighs about six pounds, Jen. Time to join a health club. 它才大约六磅重,阿花。该去健身房了。

Jennifer: So you ride this all over the city? 你就骑着这个在市区里绕?

Billy: Anywhere. 去哪儿都行。

Jennifer: I'd like to see you ride that thing in the hills of San Francisco. 我想看看你在旧金山的斜坡骑这东西。

Billy: I'd be entertained just watching you try to ride in the driveway. 我光看你试着在车道上骑就够好玩了。