第 15 课:时间 - 2

A. I'm hungry, it must be super time.

B. I could eat a horse. What time is it? I don't have a watch with me.

A. It is only half past five.

B. Is your watch slow?

A. Oh, my watch stopped. I must have forgotten to it last night.

B. Check you mobile phone.

A. Ok, mine, it's already six thirty.

B. Is this the correct time?

A. I think so, I set it by the radio last night.

A. Have you a watch?

B. Yes, it's six forty.

A. Mine is six forty, too.

B. Both watches are correct.

A. I'm glad I'm early today. I don't want to be late again.

B. We won't be late today, the bus will come in fifteen minutes.

A. Our bus will be late.

B. Why?

A. His watch is twenty minutes late, I set it.