第 9 课:日常活动 - 1

What is a typical day for you?

I usually wake up at six thirty.My husband gets up later than I do. It takes time to get the kids dressed. We have milk and toast for breakfast.

Susan drives the children to school in the morning, and picks them up after school.

It is time to go to school, hurry up.

David leaves for work at eight o'clock every morning. And often goes shopping in a supermarket after geting off work.

Grandma prepares a big dinner for us every time we visit her house.

After lunch, I usually take a nap and then watch a soap opera.

Jerry often does his homework till midnight.

I am used to going to bed at around eleven, and I fall fast asleep.

Lisa enjoys housekeeping, and her husband also helps around the house.

I like reading magzines in my spare time.