第 101 课: We're on our way! 我们上路吧

Trev: OK Wei, find us a compromise. 好吧,小薇,帮我们找辆折衷的车。

Wei: Here we go. Let's rent a van. 好。我们租辆厢型车吧。

Trev: Hey, that's not a bad idea. 嘿,那是个不错的主意。

Wei: Look at how much space there is inside. 你看里面的空间有多大。

Trev: We could all sleep inside instead of getting hotel rooms. 我们可以都睡在车上,不用去住饭店房间。

Wei: Right. And while one person drives, the other two can relax. 对。一个开车,其它人则可以休息。

Trev: This is a good idea. 这是个好主意。

Wei: And look. It says that it gets twenty miles to the gallon. 而且你看。上面说一加仑可以跑二十哩。

Trev: We'll sacrifice speed for comfort. 我们就牺牲速度成全舒适吧。

Paul: Good choice guys. [to dealer] Hi sir. We want to get this van. 选的好,各位。(对车商)嗨,先生。我们要租这辆厢型车。

Dealer: Oh, all right. It's much cheaper than the others. 喔,好吧。这比其它车都便宜。

Paul: Good, we'll be able to pay for all the speeding tickets Trev'll get. 很好,我们就能付得起崔佛将会收到的所有罚单。

Dealer: You can leave it in New Orleans when you get there. Our guy'll pick it up. 你们到纽奥良可以把车留在那里。我们的人会去取车。

Paul: Great! It's time to be on he road like Jack Kerouac. 太好了!该是像杰克凯洛亚克一样上路的时候了。

Dealer: Here's your insurance and keys. Have a good trip. 这是你们的保险证跟钥匙。旅途愉快。

Paul: Yes. We're on our way! 赞。我们上路吧!