第 106 课: You're looking chipper today, Howard! 你今天比较有精神呢

Mom: You're looking chipper today, Howard! 霍华,你今天比较有精神呢!

Howard: Yep! I think I fell asleep by ten the past few nights. 对啊!我这几天晚上都十点前就睡着了。

Mom: It looks like it! You seem like a new person. 我知道!而且你简直判若两人。

Howard: So, I guess I can stay up later tonight, right? 那么,我今晚应该可以晚点睡啰,对吧?

Mom: Don't get ahead of yourself. Two nights does not make a change. 别得寸进尺。两个晚上改变不了我的决定。

Howard: It's still better than before. 但至少情况比以前好了。

Mom: Yes, it is. Keep working at it. 对啊,没错。继续努力。

Dad: Seth, are you ready to go shopping? 赛司,准备好要去买东西了没?

Seth: Oh yes! I can't wait! Do you know where to take me? 准备好了!我等不及了!你知道要带我去哪里吗?

Dad: Yes, your mother mapped it out for me. 知道,你妈帮我画了地图。

Seth: If we get there, I can find the toy that I want! 要是到了那里,我找得到我要的玩具!

Dad: I bet that you can. Let's get going before it's too late. 我看也是。咱们出发吧,免得太晚了。

Seth: And I can watch movies with you and mom tonight, too, right? 我今晚还是可以跟你和妈妈一起看电影,对不对?

Dad: That's right. 没错。