第 120 课: What will you do? 你要怎么办?

Morley: It's beautiful out here! I need another picture. [snaps picture] 这外头好漂亮!我得再拍一张。(拍照)

Kathy: See, Morley, everyone here has a bathing suit on! 你看吧,莫理,这里的每个人都穿着泳衣!

Morley: I know. I didn't realize that whole families go to the hot springs together. 我知道。我原本不知道全家人会一起来洗温泉。

Kathy: They do, though. It's a great place for a getaway. 当然会啊。这里是个休闲的好地方。

Morley: Yeah, and everybody looks so happy. I need more pictures! [snap-snap] 对,大家看起来都很快乐。我需要更多的照片!(拍照)

Kathy: We should get some seats near the big jets while they're vacant. 我们应该趁大水柱空着的时候去抢位置。

Morley: This water does have a different feel to it, doesn't it? 这种水洗起来感觉还真不一样,不是吗?

Dan: Yep. It's supposed to be really good for your skin. 对啊。这对你的皮肤很好。

Morley: Let me get a quick picture of you, Dan... oops! [drops camera] 我来帮你拍张照片,阿丹……糟糕!(相机掉了)

Dan: Morley! You dropped your camera! 莫理!你的相机掉了!

Morley: Darn! Guess I'm up the creek without a paddle now. 该死!我现在是巧妇难为无米之炊了。

Dan: What will you do? 你要怎么办?

Morley: Tricked you! This is my underwater cam! I use it for fun. 耍到你了!这是我的水底相机!我拿来拍好玩的。