第 20 课: Where does the cake come from? 蛋糕是哪来的?

Yi-jun: Wow, these hall decorations are great! I love the wall hangings-witches, ghosts, and ghouls. 哇,这些大厅布置真棒!我喜欢这些墙上的壁挂——女巫、幽灵还有食尸鬼。

Holly: I like the tissue paper ghosts hanging from the ceilings. 我喜欢从天花板垂吊下来的面纸幽灵。

Yi-jun: [Looking in a classroom] What's this big square made up of numbered squares? It kinda looks like hopscotch... (望进一间教室)这个标号码的正方形组成的大正方形是什么?看起来有点像跳房子游戏……

Holly: ...Oh, that's for a cakewalk. It's like musical chairs. Music is played... ……喔,那是给步态竞赛用的。就像是抢椅子游戏,播放音乐……

Yi-jun: ...and when the music stops, you stand on a square! ……而当音乐一停下来,就要站到一个正方形内!

Holly: They pick a number. Whoever's on that number wins a cake. 他们会抽出一个号码。谁在那个号码上就可以赢一块蛋糕。

Yi-jun: Where does the cake come from? 蛋糕是哪来的?

Holly: Parents donate them to the carnival. 家长捐给园游会的。

Yi-jun: [Looking in another room] And what's this big bucket for? (望进另一个房间)那这个大桶子是做什么用的?

Holly: [Laughing] Oh that. Bobbing for apples. The bucket's filled with water, and apples are put inside. (笑)喔,那个。是咬漂浮的苹果用的。把那个桶子灌满水,然后放苹果进去。

Yi-jun: That's easy. And you just grab an apple? 很简单。然后只要抓住一个苹果就好了吗?

Holly: Not quite. You put on a blindfold and put your hands behind your back and try to get the apple with your mouth. 不能算是。你要绑上遮眼布,把手放在背后,努力用嘴巴咬住苹果。