第 23 课: Don't be like that.不要这样嘛

Holly:I can't believe what they did to you last night. Don't be mad at me anymore. I tried to warn you. 我真不敢相信他们昨晚对你做的。别再气我了。我有试着警告你。

Yi-jun: Well...now I know about a very weird part of American culture. 呃……我现在可见识到美国文化非常怪异的部分了。

Holly: [Laughs nervously] Yeah. Let's get the candy for the trick-or-treaters and party stuff now. (紧张地笑)是啊。我们来买些糖果给‘不给糖就捣蛋’的小孩和派对用品。

Yi-jun: [In the costume aisle] Maybe I should just buy one of these scary masks and make that my costume. (在戏服区通道)我或许干脆买这其中一个恐怖面具充当戏服就好。

Holly: Don't be like that. I'll help you figure out a costume. 不要这样嘛。我会帮你想出要打扮成什么的。

Yi-jun:If it has anything to do with Rocky Horror, I'm moving out! 若跟《恐怖洛基》有关,我可要搬走了。

Holly: Now that we've gotten all the stuff, we can really start getting ready for Halloween. 现在我们买齐了所有的东西,我们真的可以开始准备万圣节了。

Yi-jun: Can we go ahead and open a bag of candy? 我们可以先打开一包糖果吗?

Holly: Better not. If we eat it all, the trick-or-treaters will egg our place or toilet paper our door. 最好不要。如果我们全吃光了,那些不给糖就捣蛋的小鬼会蛋洗我们家,还会用卫生纸封住我们的门。

Yi-jun: [A little scared] Oh! Alright. (有点担心)喔!好吧。

Holly: Hah! I'm just kidding. Let's open one. And let's carve our pumpkins. 哈!我只是开玩笑的。我们来开一包。然后来刻我们的南瓜吧。

Yi-jun: Now you're talking! I'm ready to start cutting the face! [picks up knife] 这才象话!我准备好要开始刻脸了!(拿起刀子)

Holly: Whoa! Wait! First, you cut the top off and dig out all the guts! Like this. [digging with a spoon] 哇!等等!首先你要切下顶部,然后把所有的果肉都挖出来!就像这样。(用一把汤匙挖出)

Yi-jun: Gross! That's gooey! Why don't you throw that goo in the trash? 恶心!黏黏的!你为什么不把那些黏黏的东西丢进垃圾桶里?

Holly: [Digging] Because you can take out the seeds, put them on a cookie tray and roast them in the oven. (挖取中)因为你可以取出南瓜子,把它们放在饼干托盘上,用烤箱烘烤。

Yi-jun: [Later, while carving] I'm going to make a dragon face on mine. (稍后,刻南瓜的时候)我要在我的南瓜上面刻龙的脸。

Holly: I'm almost finished....There. Let me get the candles to put inside. 我快好了……。好了。我拿蜡烛放进去。

Yi-jun: Let's turn off the lights and see what they look like! 我们把灯关掉,瞧瞧它们看来如何!

Two: Wow! Beautiful! 哇!美唷!