第 37 课: You were always pretty sharp, 你的反应永远那么快

Jin: I think that-hey! HEY! 我想——嘿!嘿!

Rick: What are you “heying” about, Jin? 你‘嘿’个什么劲啊,阿敬?

Jin: This is your investment scheme, isn't it! It's the cheese steak!! 这就是你的投资计划,对不对!就是起司牛排!!

Rick: You were always pretty sharp, Jin! 阿敬,你的反应永远那么快!

Jin: Ha! I knew it! What a wonderful idea! And it would be a brand new product for Taiwan! 哈!我就知道!这点子太赞了!而且这对台湾来说会是全新的产品!

Rick: That was my thinking exactly. 那正是我所想的。

Jin: This is so exciting! Maybe we can speak to the owner. 真是太令人兴奋了!我们或许可以跟老板谈谈。

Rick: I'm a step ahead of you-he'll be here at three. I'm a regular here! 我早你一步——他三点会来。我是这里的常客!

Jin: Do you think he'd be interested in an international franchise operation? 你觉得他会对经营海外授权有兴趣吗?

Rick: It won't hurt to ask. But I'm sure the start-up cost would be near one hundred grand. 反正问一问无妨。但我敢说一开始的成本差不多会要十万美元。

Jin: How soon before I get my investment back, you figure? 就你的估计,我的投资多久能够回本?

Rick: In a franchise situation, three years would be good. 就取得授权的情况而言,能够三年回本算是不错的。

Jin: Three years would be manageable. I'm patient. 三年还算在掌握之中。我很有耐性。

Rick: Remember, you'll have to pay franchise fees and application fees. 记着,你会需要付授权费和申请费。