第 47 课: I definitely want to see that. 我也非常想瞧瞧

Trev: This is where I'm gonna win big money. 这就是我要赢大钱的地方了。

Paul: I don't know. I always lose at card tables. 我不确定。在牌桌上我总是输。

Trev: That's ’cause you're just a beginner, kid. 小子,那是因为你只是个初学者。

Paul: All right, teacher, let's see how much you win. 好啊,老师,我们就看看你能赢多少。

Trev: All I have to do is be closer to twenty-one than the dealer without going over. I'll bet a twenty. 我要做的就是比庄家更接近而不超过二十一点。我下二十元。

Paul: Wow, your first card's an ace. That's worth one or eleven, right? 哇,你第一张牌是A。那相当于一或是十一点,对吧?

Trev: Yep. And my second card's a king, that's worth ten. That's twenty-one. I won already. I'm up twenty dollars. 没错。我的第二张是K,那等于十点。二十一 点!我已经赢了!我赢了二十美元。

Paul: Wei! Wei! Guess what's happening? 小薇!小薇!你猜发生什么事了?

Wei: Oh no. Is Trev in trouble again? 噢,糟了。崔佛又惹麻烦了吗?

Paul: I doubt you would call it trouble. 我想你不会称它为麻烦。

Wei: Well, then he lost all of his money. 那他把钱都输光了。

Paul: Actually. He's up by more than three thousand dollars. 其实,他赢了至少有三千美元。

Wei: What!? Are you serious? He's rich! 什么!?你说真的吗?他发财了!

Paul: Come and see. Everybody's watching him. He's on fire. 快来看。大家都在看他。他正旺着呢。

Wei: There he is! My God. He looks like a rock star! 他在那边!天啊。他看起来像个摇滚明星!

Paul: He's got a model on each arm. 他左右各拥一个模特儿。

Wei: He looks kinda cute. 他看起来蛮可爱的。