第 53 课: I'd be happy to. 我很乐意

Pat Jr.: I have a reliable wholesaler here that can ship our product to you. You're required to use our beef. 我在本地有个可靠的批发商可以运我们的产品给你。你必须使用我们的牛肉。

Jin: I'd be happy to. 我很乐意。

Pat Jr.: I can get you a good deal on our Italian buns, also. 我们用的意大利圆面包,我也可以很好的价格帮你取得。

Jin: I have a decent bun supplier in Taiwan. Can I use him? 我在台湾有很好的面包供货商。我可以采用他吗?

Pat Jr.: I'll tell you what, I'd like to come to Taiwan before you open up. I'll check your bun quality, store location, everything. 这样好了:你开张之前我乐意跑一趟台湾。我会去确认一切,包括面包的质量、店面的位置等等。

Jin: Great idea! I could also use a hand with the kitchen design and how to cook the food, too. 好主意!而且关于厨房的设计和烹调的方法,我也会需要你的协助。

Pat Jr.: Sure. We could model your kitchen after ours-it's quite efficient. 没问题。可以依照我们厨房的样式打造你的厨房——我们的厨房相当有效率。

Jin: And when you visit Taiwan, we could do the final fee negotiating. 等你来台湾,我们可以针对费用做最后的讨论。

Pat Jr.: Of course, we'll need our lawyers to finalize all contractual details. 当然,我们会需要律师帮我们敲定全部的合约细节。

Jin: I realize that. Can I ask you one question? How'd you get into this business? 我了解。我可以问你一个问题吗?你们是怎么进入这一行的?

Pat Jr.: Well, Grandpa Pat started it in 1932. He threw some cooked steak and onions into a hot dog bun. A taxi driver bought it for ten cents 1 and the rest is history! 这个嘛,我爷爷帕特在一九三二年开了这家店。他在热狗面包里放了些煮熟的牛排肉和洋葱。一位出租车司机花了十分钱买,接下来的事大家都知道了!

Jin: It looks like everything is a go! We just need to dot the “i's” and cross the “i's”. 整件事看起来已经箭在弦上了!我们只要把细节敲定就行了。

Rick: Congratulations on your first franchise operation! 恭喜你第一次争取代理权!

Jin: Thanks. But there's so much work ahead. And I don't know the faintest thing about marketing. 谢谢。但眼前还有好多工作。但我对市场营销几乎没有概念。

Rick: I can help you there. I have some old marketing contacts in Taiwan. 这方面我可以帮忙。我在台湾认识一些市场营销的人脉。

Jin: Wow! How can I thank you for everything, Rick? This trip may change my life! 哇!我要怎么谢你啊,瑞克?这趟旅行可能会改变我的一生!

Rick: You could treat me to a nice visit in Taiwan some day... 哪天你可以招待我到台湾好好玩一趟……

Jin: You're on! I'll give you the red carpet treatment! 没问题!我会给你贵宾式的款待!