第 73 课: What do I get for my birthday? 我的生日会得到什么?

Mom: Timmy, can you run to the supermarket to grab some milk for dinner? 提米,你可不可以去超级市场买点晚餐的牛奶?

Timmy: Mom! I'm in the middle of a video game! 妈!我电动玩具打到一半耶!

Mom: OK. I'll get the milk if you want to prepare dinner for us. 好。如果你想帮我们做晚餐,我就去买牛奶。

Timmy: Fine, I'll go get it. 好啦,我去买就是了。

Mom: Thanks, dear. I'll make you a special dessert! 谢谢你,亲爱的。我会特别帮你做个甜点!

Timmy: OK! Are you sure Dad can't get the milk? He has a scooter. 好啦!你确定爸不能去买牛奶吗?他有摩托车耶。

Dad: I'm slicing the veggies! And you're too young for slicing. 我在切菜!而且你还太小不能切菜。

Timmy: I know. But it takes fifteen minutes to get to the supermarket. 我知道。但是走到超级市场要花十五分钟耶。

Dad: You have young legs. You can do it! 小朋友的腿很有力。你办得到的!

Timmy: Yeah, I can do it. But there must be an easier way. 是啦,我办得到。但是一定有什么比较简单的方法。

Dad: Next time I'll try to pick up groceries on the way home from work. 下次我会尽量下班回家顺便去买菜。

Timmy: Can I at least buy a pack of gum with the change? 那我可不可以用找零买一包口香糖啊?

Timmy: Yi-pee! Today's my seventh birthday!! 万岁!今天是我七岁生日!!

Mom: Congratulations, son! We are so happy for you! 恭喜你,宝贝儿子!我们真为你感到高兴!

Timmy: What do I get for my birthday? 我的生日会得到什么?

Mom: Well, we have a big surprise for you! 嗯,我们帮你准备一份大惊喜!

Timmy: I hope it's that cool airplane I saw in the store! 希望是我在店里看到的那架超炫飞机!

Mom: No, I'm sorry. Go on out to the park. Your dad has your present there. 抱歉,不是。快去公园。你爸爸跟你的礼物在那边。