第 78 课: I was handling office business. 我在处理公事

Timmy: Does anyone need anything from the supermarket? 有谁需要去超级市场买什么东西吗?

Mom: Why? Are you going to walk? 怎么了?你要走路过去?

Timmy: Nope. I can ride all by myself now! 才不呢。我现在可以自己骑车了!

Mom: How? Who taught you to do that? 怎么会?谁教你的?

Timmy: Me and Philip took turns helping each other to learn. Now we can both ride by ourselves! 我和菲利普轮流帮对方练习。现在我们两个都能自己骑了!

Mom: That's great! But I bet your father's disappointed that he wasn't the one to teach you. 真棒!但我猜你爸爸一定很失望自己不是教你骑车的人。

Timmy: I warned you guys that I'd practice every day of my life!! 我警告过你们了,我这辈子每天都要练习!!

Rita: Troy, you clocked off ten minutes early last night. Lucy, I saw you on the telephone twelve times yesterday. 特洛伊,你昨晚提早了十分钟打卡下班。露西,我看到你昨天打了十二通电话。

Lucy: I was handling office business. 我在处理公事。

Rita: Oh, really? I'm sure I heard something about "picking up the kids." 喔,真的吗?我很确定我听到了某些像是 ‘接小孩'的话。

Lucy: [Hiding her anger] True. One call was from my husband. (压抑怒火)没错。有一通是我先生打来的。

Rita: I'm going to be watching you two. I won't tolerate lazy workers in my section. 我会一直观察你们两个的。我不会容忍我部门里有懒散的员工。

Lucy: [Under her breath to Troy] Here comes the boss--watch this! (低声对特洛伊)老板来啰——看着吧!