第 93 课: What have I gotten myself into? 我干嘛让自己淌这浑水?

Carol: Morning. I'm Carol. I'm your personal coach and roommate for the next thirty days. 早安。我是卡罗。接下来三十天我是你的个人教练以及室友。

Laurie: Nice to meet you. Are we going to practice this early every day? 幸会。我们每天都要这么早练习吗?

Carol: And earlier. OK, let me see what I'm working with here. Let's play a little one-on-one. 还要更早。好了,让我来瞧瞧你有几斤几两。我们来小玩一下一对一吧。

Laurie: Sure. Do you want me to just sit over here and watch? 好。你要我坐在这里看吗?

Carol: Girl, are you telling me you've never played one-on-one before? 小姐,你是说你以前从来没有玩过一对一吗?

Laurie: I'm telling you I've never even picked up a basketball before. 我是说我连篮球都没碰过。

Carol: What have I gotten myself into? 我干嘛让自己淌这浑水?

Carol: OK, let's begin with the basics. This is a court. Those are baskets. You want to get the ball in your team's basket. 好,我们从基础的开始吧。这是球场。那些是篮框。你要拿球投进你那一队的篮框内。

Laurie: That sounds easy! 听来满简单的!

Carol: Except you have to dribble the ball down the court to get into a scoring
position. 只不过你得运球到球场的得分位置。

Laurie: Dribble what into what position? 运什么到什么位置?

Carol: I'll pretend I didn't hear that. There are five people on a team. 我假装我没听到。一队有五个人。

Laurie: Alright. I think I understand so far. What should we do now? 好吧。我想我到目前为止都懂。我们现在该怎么做呢?