第 95 课: How'd I do today? 我今天表现如何?

Carol: You're coming along great. You've got a mean pass, and your free throw stats are improving daily. 你进展得不错。你的传球很出色,而且你的罚球进球率每天都有进步。

Laurie: Don't forget my lay-up. And fall-back jumper. I never thought I'd get that one down. 别忘了我的带球上篮喔。还有向后跳投。我从没想过我能学会那一招。

Carol: I'll show you the hook today. Let's work on your footwork. 我今天会秀钩射给你看。我们来练你的步法。

Laurie: All those videos of old games that you're having me watch are really helping. 你要我看的那些旧比赛的影片,真的很有帮助。

Carol: Good. A little later in the day, some girls will stop by to practice some plays. 很好。今天稍晚,有一些女生会过来打练习赛。

Laurie: You mean all the offense-defense stuff you've taught me? 你是说做你教我的全部攻防术吗?

Laurie: How'd I do today? 我今天表现如何?

Carol: You choked a lot. When someone tried to strip the ball from you, they'd force you to make errors. 你没施展开来。当有人要抄你球时,他们会逼你出错。

Laurie: Oh yeah. I guess I did double dribble a lot. 对耶。我猜我犯了很多次两次运球。

Carol: Your passes were all over the place. You're no guard, and you're not tall enough for center. 你传的球满场乱飞。你不是后卫,你的身高也不够打中锋。

Laurie: Hey, but I made a three-pointer! And I blocked a couple of passes. 嘿,但是我有投进一个三分球!而且我阻断了好几次传球。

Carol: No, you goaltended. That's not legal. And most of your shots were either air balls or bricks. 不,你是干扰投篮。那是犯规的。而且你大部分的投篮不是面包球就是碰了篮框或篮板没进。

Laurie: So I was a little nervous... 我是有一点紧张啦……