Unit 10 - Star Trek Maniac 《星际迷航记》电影迷-1

ANDREW: Your older brother is a little strange, I think. 安德鲁:我觉得你哥哥有点怪。

DAN: Steve? You think he's strange? Why? 丹:史提夫?你觉得他怪?为什么?

ANDREW: He wanted me to come over and watch "Star Trek" with him. 安德鲁:他想找我来和他一起看《星际迷航记》。

DAN: Oh, that. He's a Trekkie. You shouldn't be surprised. 丹:喔,那个啊!他是"星际迷",别大惊小怪。

ANDREW: He's a what? 安德鲁:他是什么?

DAN: A Trekkie. He's a serious "Star Trek" fan. So he has all the episodes on tape. And he has a "Star Trek" website on the internet. 丹:"星舰迷"。他是《星际迷航记》的电影迷。他拥有所有影集的录影带,他还有《星际迷航记》的网站。

ANDREW: He even has a website? For "Star Trek"? 安德鲁:他还有网站啊?《星际迷航记》 的吗?