Unit 13 - Renting Video Tapes 租录影带-2

CAROL: Okay. How do I do that? 卡萝:好的,如何加入呢?

LISA: I will give you a form to fill out. Membership is 15 dollars a year. Plus we need to take an extra 35 dollars on deposit. You get your 35 dollars back when your membership expires. 莉莎:我会给你填写表格。会费一年15美元,另外要加收押金35美元。 当你的会员期限到期时,可以拿回35美元。

CAROL: I see. What is that deposit for? 卡萝:我明白了。押金是做什么用呢?

LISA: It's to cover any tapes that may be lost or damaged. 莉莎:用来补偿遗失或损毁的带子。

CAROL: Alright. And if I pay the membership fee, how many tapes can I rent? 卡萝:好的。如果我付了会费,可以租几卷带子?

LISA: You can rent as many as you like. 莉莎:你喜欢租多少就租多少。

CAROL: Really? I can rent as many as I like? Free? 卡萝:真的?随我高兴?免费的吗?

LISA: No, they're not free. Our rentals are 2.78 for most movies. And 3.99 for new releases. 莉莎:不是免费的。我们大多数片子的租金是一片2.78 美元,新到的片子是3.99 美元。