Unit 15 - A Day At The Zoo 动物园-1

JASON: It's too hot. I'm not sure I can walk any more. 杰森:真是太热了,我不确定还能不能走。

CHRIS: Oh, c'mon. You're not so old. I want to go to Monkey Island and look at the monkeys. 克利丝:喔,拜托,你又没多老。 我想去猴子岛看猴子。

JASON: What? They have a monkey island here? Really? 杰森:什么?这儿有猴子岛?真的吗?

CHRIS: Of course they do. This is an excellent zoo. They have all kinds of monkeys here. 克利丝:当然有了。 这间是很棒的动物园,他们有各种类的猴子。

JASON: Great. Let's go. I love monkeys. That's why I started going out with you. 杰森:太棒了,我们走吧。我最爱猴子了,这就是我开始和你约会的原因。

CHRIS: You're very funny today. As for me, I've always loved boars and rhinos. I like their smell. Maybe that's why I chose you. 克利丝:你今天很好笑耶。至于我呢……我一直很爱野猪和犀牛。 我喜欢他们的味道,也许这就是我选你的原因。

JASON: I wish we could get some good iced coffee somewhere. Wouldn't it be great if zoos had Starbucks in them? 杰森:我希望我们可以从哪弄些不错的冰咖啡。如果动物园有星巴克 咖啡店,不是很棒吗?

CHRIS: Yes. Then I could buy you a few espressos and you'd climb over the fence into the lion cage. I wouldn't have to worry about you any more. 克利丝:对啊, 然后我可以买给你一些浓缩咖啡,让你爬过栅栏进去狮子笼里,

JASON: Hah, hah, hah. Hey, look at that polar bear. 杰森:哈,哈。嘿,看那只北极熊。

CHRIS: Oh, terrible. 克利丝:喔,太过分了。