Unit 8 - Video Games 电子游戏-2

SHARON: But it made me wonder. Is it really true you let Nick play video games for hours if he wants? 雪伦:但是这让我好奇。只要尼克想玩电玩,你就真的让他玩上好几小时吗?

KELLY: Well... I'm concerned about his homework too. But if he does his homework, then I don't mind. I let him play if he wants. 凯莉:唔......我也关心他的功课。 但如果他做完功课,那么我就无所谓,我会让他玩。

SHARON: I will be honest with you. I don't think that's good. 雪伦:老实对你说,我认为那样不好。

KELLY: Why not? 凯莉:为什么呢?

SHARON: I don't think it's good for his mental development. Children need to do more creative things. Just playing the same games over and over on a computer--it's not good. 雪伦:我以为这对他的心智发展不好。小孩子要做一些更具有创造力的事。只是一直玩同样的计算机游戏并不好。

KELLY: But computers are important in the world. They learn better computer skills by playing video games. 凯莉:但是计算机在全世界都很重要。 他们打电玩会学到更多的计算机知识。

SHARON: I don't think they learn much. And I think the games separate them from reality. They become too attached to the computer screen. It isn't healthy. 雪伦:我不认为他们学到很多,而且我觉得游戏使他们远离现实。他们变得太黏在计算机屏幕前,这很不健康。

KELLY: What can I do about it? 凯莉:我能怎么做呢?

SHARON: I suggest you make a rule. No more than thirty minutes or an hour of video games per day. And then, I think it's good to buy some drawing or painting materials. You should get them to start creating things. It develops the mind.
Or you can buy them model planes and ships to build. That is better for children than video games. 雪伦:我建议你定个规则。一天打电玩不超过半小时或一小时。然后我想可以买些素描或绘画用品。你应该让他们开始做有创造力的事,可以发展心智。或是你可以买飞机和船的模型让他们组合。那样会比打电玩好。

KELLY: Well. You know I always respect your opinion, Sharon. I will try to follow your advice. 凯莉:雪伦,你知道我一直很尊重你的意见。我会试试看你的建议。