Unit 9 - After The Opera 谈论歌剧-3

JUDY: No, they don't understand the story probably. And they don't understand the music very well either. But I still think they enjoy it. 朱蒂:不,他们可能不明白这个故事。而且也不懂音乐。但是他们还是很喜欢这个歌剧啊。

SCOTT: Hmm. Maybe. But don't you think they enjoy movies more? 史考特:唔,有可能。但是你不认为他们更喜欢电影吗?

JUDY: Yes, probably. 朱蒂:也许。

SCOTT: So why don't they go to movies? 史考特:那他们为何不去看电影?

JUDY: Because well... 朱蒂:那是因为……

SCOTT: It's because they want to appear cultured. They want to do something high class. But to me it's just hypocritical. Because they don't understand it anyway. 史考特:因为他们想表现得有文化,他们想做些有水准的事。但是在我看来那太做作了,因为他们到底是看不懂的。

JUDY: I know what you're saying. But I still feel bad that you didn't enjoy it. 朱蒂:我了解你说的。不过我还是很难过你刚刚看得很无聊。

SCOTT: Don't worry about that. I wanted to tell you honestly what I think. I respect you, you know. I respect your appreciation for opera too. But it's not for me. I'd rather read a novel. 史考特:别放在心上,我想对你坦白我的想法。你知道我尊重你,也尊重你对欣赏歌剧的欣赏。但是我不喜欢歌剧,我宁愿看小说。