第 15 课:In the Office - Interview-1

Simon: Does your present employer know that you are planning to leave the company?你现在的经理知道你打算要离开他的公司吗?

Liu: Yes. I've discussed it with him, and he agrees that I would do better with a company where the work is on a higher creative level.是的,我已经和他商量过,他也认为如果我能到一个能发挥更高创造性的公司工作,我会做得更好。

Simon: If we hire you, how soon can you start?如果我录用了你,你需要多久能够开始工作?

Liu: Well, I would need two weeks, of course, after you give me the green light.在您录用我之后再需两周我就可以工作了。

Simon: Is there anything else you'd like to know?你还有其他什么想了解吗?

Liu: No, not at this time.不,没有了。

Simon: Well, I've enjoyed meeting and talking with you. We'll call you within a week with an answer.那么,很高兴见到你并和你交谈。我们会在一周内给你打电话,告诉你个结果。

Liu: Thank you. I appreciate the time you have given me.谢谢。我很感激您抽空(跟我谈话)。