第 17 课:Export Commodity - Be Invited Visit the Export Commodity-1
Chen: Our manager is going to invite you to attend the Export Commodities Fair. 我们的经理想邀请您参加出口商品交易会,
Would you like to go, Bob?您愿意去吗,鲍?
Bob: I'd love to, if I'm free on that day.只要那天我有空,一定去。
Chen: Hello, Bob. We warmly welcome you to the Fair.您好,鲍先生。我们热烈欢迎您参加这次交易会。
Bob: Thank you. Is the Fair held every year?谢谢。每年都要举办这样的交易会吗?
Chen: Yes, twice a year. The main reason for holding this Fair is to develop our import and export business.是的,一年两次。举办交易会主要是为了发展进出口商品贸易。
Bob: It seems that most of the exhibits are very high quality and some are quite beautiful. May I place an order with you here at the Fair?这些展品质量上乘,设计美观。我能跟你们定一些货吗?
Chen: Please come by and we'll do our best to help you.欢迎您来,我们将竭诚为您服务。
Bob: The Fair has successfully demonstrated what your corporation handles.这次交易会成功地展示了贵公司的经营范围。
Chen: What items are you particularly interested in?您对什么项目特别感兴趣?
Bob: I'm interested in light industrial goods.我对轻工产品感兴趣。