第 3 课:Export and Import - Inquiry

1. With reference to your advertisement in today's newspaper, would you please send me details of your products, specifically, the T.V. sets? 根据你们在今天报纸上的广告,可否请你们寄给我你们产品,特别是电视机的详细情况?

2. We would like to know whether your products are now covered by your one-year guarantee. 我们想知道你们的产品是否都有一年的保证期。

Following is a sample letter about making inquiries: 下面是一封询问信:

To Whom It May Concern:敬启者:

In reference to your advertisement in yesterday's newspaper, would you please send me full details, prices and samples of your products. Thank you for your time.根据你们在昨天报纸上的广告, 可否寄给我你们产品的详细资料,价格及样品。谢谢。
Yours truly,您忠诚的
Linda Bell琳达.贝尔

Another letter about making inquiries:另一封询问信:

To Whom It May Concern:敬启者:

Could you please send me one copy of your catalog and details of your products? I would also like to know whether you have any trade discounts.可否请您寄我一份你们的产品目录及产品详情? 我还想知道你方是否有贸易折扣条例。
Linda Bell琳达.贝尔