第 32 课:Do Business Wordwide - The Sequence of Export Practice-3

Simon: The price quoted by us is very reasonable, and we believe that it'll be acceptable . 由于我方报价非常合理,我们相信你们可以接受。

Chen: I can assure you the price I offer is very favorable. 我能向您保证我向您报的价格是非常优惠的。

Simon: I accept your price. 我接受你方的价格。

Chen: I'm glad that our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion. When do you expect to sign the agreement? 我很高兴我们的谈判获得圆满成功。你希望什么时候签订协议?

Simon: If it's okay, why not sign it now? 如果行的话,为什么不马上就签呢?

Chen: I'm pleased to inform you that we've decided to order the following goods at your price. 我很高兴通知您我们决定按您的价格订购下列货品。

Simon: We hope our products will meet your requirements. 希望我们的产品能满足你们的需要。

Chen: Your products are of good quality and are just what I need. 你们的产品质量上乘,而且正是我所需要的。

Simon: I'm glad to hear it. 我很高兴听您这么说。

Chen: We have settled the price and quantity. Shall we discuss the terms of payment? 我们已经定下了价格和数量。 我们能讨论一下付款方式吗?