第 34 课:Shopping - Addressing Customers

Seller: Good morning, sir. May I help you? 早安,先生。您想买什么?

Customer: No, thank you. I'm just looking around. 不,谢谢你,我随便看看。

Seller: That's all right. 好的,先生。

Seller: Good afternoon, ma'am. What can I do for you? 您好,太太。我能替您做点什么呢?

Customer: Where's the furniture department, please? 请问家具部在哪里?

Seller: This way please. It's on the sixth floor at the rear. 请走这边。在七楼后部。

Customer: Thank you. 谢谢!

Seller: You're welcome. 不必客气。

Customer: Can you direct me to the elevator? 你可以告诉我电梯在哪里吗?

Seller: Yes, there's one near the stairs, over there. 当然,在那边。楼梯附近有一架。

Customer: Is there any sale going on now? 现在有没有减价货品出售?

Seller: Yes, ma'am. A special summer sale is being held on the 3rd floor. 有的,太太。三楼正举行夏季特别大减价销售。

Customer: What sort of goods are being sold? 卖些什么东西呢?

Seller: It's a general sale of various types of goods, ranging from shoes, socks, and handkerchiefs to kitchen utensils. 各种货品都有,包括鞋、袜、手帕以至厨房用具。