第 36 课:Shopping - At the Jewelry Counter

Seller: Good afternoon, ma'am. Can I be of any assistance ? 您好,太太,我可以为你效劳吗?

Miss A: Yes, thank you. I want to see some brooches. 谢谢你,我想看一下胸针。

Seller: How about these? They are very nice pieces. 这些怎么样?这都是些很精巧的样品。

Miss A: What kind of stone is this? 这是什么宝石?

Seller: It's a diamond. Don't you think it's attractive? Look at how it sparkles! 这是钻石,很惹人喜爱,是不是?请看看它的光芒!

Ms. A: I like it very much. How much is it? 我很喜欢,多少钱?

Seller: Only one thousand dollars. 只不过一千美元。

Ms. A: One thousand? That's very steep for a brooch. 一千美元?一千美元买一根胸针太贵了。

Seller: Is there anything I can do for you? 我可以为您做些什么事吗?

Mr. B: I'm looking for a set of pearls for my wife. 我想为我妻子买一串珍珠。

Seller: Yes, sir. What price range did you have in mind? 是的,先生。您想要多少钱的?

Mr. B: I'm not sure. You see, I don't know very much about pearl values. 我还没确定。你知道,我不大清楚珍珠的价钱。

Seller: I see. Let me show you some samples of various qualities. 我明白,让我给你看一些不同质地的样品。