Seller: Do you need a color television for your living room? Our prices are not any more expensive than other places. 你家的客厅需要一部彩色电视机吗?我们的价格不比别家贵。
Mr. A: What about the antenna for the T.V.? Must I buy it, or will you supply it free of charge? 彩电的天线怎么办?是要我出钱买还是你们免费供给?
Seller: I am sorry, but you'll have to buy it separately. A good one will cost you only ninety-two dollars. The installation is part of our service, and free of charge. 很抱歉,这得由您另外付钱买。一具好的天线只不过九十二元。我们负责免费安装。
Mr.A: Fine. Let's see what it'll cost. 很好,看看多少钱吧。
Linda: How much does each speaker cost? I want two. 每个喇叭多少钱?我想要两个。
Wang: The price of the speaker is $110 each. So, the bill for two speakers comes to $220. 一个喇叭价格壹百壹拾美元,那两个就是贰百贰拾美元。
Linda: I'll pay in cash. Do you give any discount? 我付现金,能给折扣吗?
Wang: Yes, 10 percent for cash. 可以,现金优惠百分之十。
Linda: That will be $198. 那就是壹百玖拾捌美元。
Wang: That's right. 对。
Linda: Here's $200. Please give me a receipt. Thank you. 这是贰百美元。请给我开个收据。