第 46 课:第 31 课:Job Interview - Another Advertisement

Study this advertisement:另一个招聘启示

SALES MANAGER required for an Electrical Appliances firm.
We are looking for a well qualified, experienced person to coordinate our sales. The successful applicant must be fluent in English. Very generous salary and good benefits, holidays.
Resume should be included with the letter of application.
Write to: The Managing Director, NTE Co. Ltd,
123 Green Street, Zhengzhou.
来信请寄 : 郑州绿荫大道123号NTE公司管理部经理收。

Chen Bin wants to apply for this job. The following is his reply to the advertisement:陈宾想应聘这份工作。下面是陈宾的应聘信:

To Whom It May Concern:敬启者:
Sales Manager销售经理
I read your advertisement in yesterday's paper and would like to apply for this position.我从昨天的报上看到了你们的广告,我有意应聘这个工作。
I have enclosed my resume.随信寄去了我的履历表。
I will be available for an interview any day except next Thursday.除了下周四以外,任何时间我都恭候您的接见。
Chen Bin陈宾

A resume is a passport to an interview. It is in fact a summary sheet in outline form with key headings which include Job Objective, Work Experience, Educational Background, Personal Data, and, References, though not necessarily in this sequence.
There is no standard requirement for resumes, except that they should be accurate and provide information relevant to the application. Like the business letter, the resume should be kept concise, one page, two pages at most. The resume on the next page illustrates a useful format.履历表是前去应聘的通行证。事实上它是要点形式的一纸总结,主要的题目有:工作目标, 工作经历, 受教育背景, 个人资料, 以及,见证人,并不一定非要按上述顺序排 列.
写履历表并没有什么标准的要求,但它必须准确,而且提供与应聘有关的信息。 正象商业信函一样, 履历表应力求简洁,一页,最多两页。