Simon: I've sent three reminders but they've still not settled their account.我已经提醒他们三次了,但是,他们还是没有结帐。
Linda: We'll have to put the matter in the hands of the controller.我们不得不把这件事交给审计官了。
Here is the third letter of reminder:这里是第三封提醒信:
To Whom It May Concern,敬启者: ...On May 10 and May 25 we reminded you that your account for $10,000 had not been settled. According to our records, we have not yet received payment. I therefore enclose another copy of the statement. Please give this matter immediate attention and mail the remittance by June 1st. .......在5月10日和5月25日,我们提醒你们的一万美元的帐还没有结清。 根据我们的记录,我们还没有收到款,因此我随信又寄出了另一份帐单。 请你立即关照这件事并于6月1日前将款汇来。