This arcade bas a total of five levels. 这商场为五层购物商场, The first floor is only for brand name shops. 首层主要是名牌商店, The second floor is for ladies' wear or accessories. 第二层为女士服装及配饰, The third floor is for men's wear. 第三层为男士服装, The fourth floor is half for children with the other half being for computer products. 第四层为儿童天地及电脑世界, The fifth floor is for restaurants, which has been already let. 而第五层为酒楼,饮食中心,这层已全部租出, There are only a few units available on the second and fourth floor. 只余下少量在第二层及第四层的铺位, May I ask what size are you looking for? 你们想租多大面积的铺位?