C:Are there any other conditions? 还有其他出租条件吗? A:All tenants must pay three months rent deposit and one month's rent in advance. 租客须付三个月租金作按金和一个月预付租金。 B:Thank you for your information. Let us think about it. 谢谢你的资料,我们再考虑一下, We will get back to you tomorrow. 明天约见你。 A:Sure. But don't be too late because there are many clients who are also interested in the unit. 一言为定,不过不要太迟因为还有很多客户跟你一样对这铺位感兴趣。 B:Please hold it for us,we will make a decision today. 我们今天会作出决定的麻烦你替我们保留一天。
A:I do my best for you 我尽力而为吧!