第 71 课:Negotiating the Terms of Rent for a Residential Unit

B:I would like to reduce the rent to forty thousand dollars per month. 我希望每月租金减至四万元,

Also, is there any rent-free period? 同时,有没有免租期呢?

A:I'll have to discuss it with the landlord first. 这个问题我必须先与业主商议。

B:Well, we'll come back in thirty minutes. 好吧,我们半小时后回来。

A:Sure! I will do my best for you. 好的,我会尽力而为。

B:Any good news for me 有没有好消息呢?

A:Yes, after a long talk with the landlord, he promises to reduce the monthy rent to forty-three thousand dollars. 有的,经我与业主详谈后, 他答应每月租金减至四万三千元,

And the rent-free period is fourteen days. 而免租期为十四天。