第 86 课:Paying the Agency Fee 付代理费-1

A:Good morning, Mr Johnson. How are you today? 早上,约翰逊先生,你好吗?

C:I am fine, thank you. How about you? 很好,谢谢。你怎么样?

A:Not bad.Just a little bit busy. 好好,只是比较忙。

C:That means you are doing good business. 这表示你的生意很不错。

A:So far so good. 还不错吧。

C:Well, I am here to pay you the agency fee because I am leaving Hong Kong next week. 事情是这样的,因为我下星期要离开香港,所以今天来支付贵公司的代理费。

A:Sure. Let me check the balance. 好的,让我先查看费用余额。

The balance is forty- three thousand Hong Kong dollars. 费用余额是港币四万三千元。