第 88 课:Paying the Agency Fee 付代理费-3

I heard that he is going to have someone change the carpet 我听说,他打算让人 更换地毯,

and repaint the house first. 并重新刷漆。

C:I see. 我明白了。

A:Mr Johnson, thank you for your cheque and here is your receipt. 约翰逊先生,谢谢你的支票,这是你的收据。

C:Don't mention it. I really appreciate your help, 不用客气,我真的很感谢你的帮忙,

otherwise, I would not have been able to sell this house in such a short period. 否则我不可能在这么短的时间内卖出这房子的。

A:Thank you. (shake hands) 谢谢。(握手)