第 17 课:Cold canvassing 随机探访约见-4

I'd like to make an appointment to see you about our company's products and services. 我希望跟你见面, 让我向你介绍本公司的计划及服务.

J:Sorry. I'm not interested. 对不起,我没有兴趣.

A:Mr. Johnson, It won't take more than fifteen minutes for you to learn about our services and products. 约翰逊先生, 不超过15 分钟, 你便可以知道有关本公司的计划及服务.

They may be useful to you in the future. 它们可能对你将来有用.

J:You can leave your materials with my receptionist. 你可将有关资料交给我的接待员.

A:I'll be glad to. 我很高兴这样做.

But you see Mr. Johnson there are quite a number of technical terms in the materials. 但约翰逊先生, 由于资料内有较多的专有名词.