第 3 课:Referred lead 通过中间人介绍-1

David Wong is an insurance agent. 王大伟是保险从业员,

He is talking with a new friend at a private party. 他在派对中与一位新朋友倾谈,

Naturally, their conversation is focused on their job. 他们的对话自然地集中在工作方面.

A:What do you do, John? 约翰, 你做哪一行?

J:I'm an engineer. And what do you do? 我是工程师, 你呢?

A:I'm an insurance agent for ABC Insurance company. 我是ABC保险公司的从业员.

My company's medical plans are among the most competitive in town. 我公司的医疗保险计划是全城中最优惠的.

J:Really? 真的?