第 46 课:Obtaining Information 搜集资料-6

A:Our company ranks fifth in the world in terms of total assets and financial strength 我公司的所有资产及财政实力排行世界第五名

S:Shouldn't I get coverage from the largest company? 那我何不从最大的保险公司处购买保险?

A:Well,honestly speaking, insurance is a big business. 老实讲, 保险是一门大生意.

Most insurance companies have strong financial and historical backgrounds and they are all safe. 大部分的保险公司都有强大的财政背景及历史, 而它们都是可靠的.

Like ABC,which has a total assets of 100 billion 例如ABC, 它共有一千亿的 资产

and it has been in the business for 150 years 并已经营了一百五十年.

I have some figures here from fortune magazine for your reference. 我这里有些从<财富杂志>里拿到的数据给你参考.

I'll be happy to answer any of your questions after you've looked through them. 我会很乐意为你解答任何问题.