第 62 课:Life Insurance 人寿保险-7

Do you mind telling me the amount of mortgage you pay? 你是否介意告诉我月供 多少?

D:$20,000. 两万元.

A:I suppose you and Mrs. Davidson work hand in hand paying up the loan? 我相信你与太太一起去应付这个贷款吧?

D:Since I make almost double what she does I take care of the mortgage loan. 因为我赚的钱几乎是她的两倍, 所以由我负责偿还供款.

A:Right, Mr. Davidson. 戴维森先生,

If you look at my proposal here, 如果你参阅我这份建议书

you'll see that you need three million dollars protection. 你会发现你其实需要一份三百万元的保障计划.

D:Oh, how did you figure that out? 噢, 你从何得出这些数据?