第 8 课:Referred lead 通过中间人介绍-6

David Wong is having a drink with friends. 王大伟正与朋友在畅饮倾谈,

One of them is an expatriate who knows many people in his circle. 其中一人是外国人, 他在他的圈子中认识很多人,

(Center of influence) David wants to obtain some prospects from him. 大伟想通过他得到一些客户的资料.

P:What do you do, David? 大伟,你是从事什么工作的?

A:I work for ABC Insurance company which is one of the largest in the territory. 我在ABC保险公司工作, 它在本区是最大的公司之一.

P:Are you an insurance agent? 你是保险从业员吗?

A:Yes, and I specialize in medical insurance. 是,而我专责医疗保险.

My clients are mostly expatriates from the United States and Britain. 我的客户多是美国及英国 人.