第 80 课:Explaining the Proposal 解释建议书内容-9

if you couldn't afford it due to sickness or accident. 如你因意外或生病而无法支付.

In the long run, you can even make withdrawals when you need it. 将来有需要时甚至可以提取保费使用.

O4:I need to know more about your company and the insurance plan. 我需要多知道些有关你公司和保险计划的情况.

R4:Which aspect do you want to know? I'm here at your service 你特别想知道哪一方面的资料? 我会为你解答.

I believe if you can't get enough information from me, ;我相信如我未能提供足够 资料,

you probably can't get it from friends or colleagues 你亦不会从朋友或同事口中知道很多,

because after all, they are not in this field. 因为他们不是从事这一行的.

I'll be glad to provide you any information you request. 我很乐意为你解答每个问题.