第 84 课:Policy delivery 递送保单-3

If you look at the second page which shows the value of your policy, 如你看看第二页的保单总额,

you'll notice that all these figures increase as time goes by. 你会看到这些数据会随时间增加.

There are two important items, namely death benefit and total cash value. 此处有两个重点: 死亡受益人及现金总额.

if you died in this particular year, 如受保期间你不幸身故,

your death benefit would be US$ 17,000 which would be paid to your beneficiary, that is your wife. 你的受益人, 会得到一万七千美元的死亡赔偿. 即你太太,

If you live, this is the amount that you will have accumulated. 但如你在世, 这笔金额便会累积.

You may use the money as you like such as send your kids to college, travel or buy a house. 你可用这些钱供孩子读书, 旅行或买房.