第 10 课:Making Requests 请示帮助

A:Hi, B. You are going to the grocery, aren't you? 喂,B。你去食品 杂货店,是吗?

B:Yes, I'm going to do some shopping. 是的,我去买些东西。

A:Could you do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗?

B:Is there anything I can get for you? 要我给你买什么东西吗?

A:Could you get me a pound of coffee? 你能给我买一磅咖啡吗?

B:Certainly. What kind do you want? 当然可以,你要买哪一种咖啡?

A:Nest Coffee, please. And here is the money. 请买雀巢咖啡,这是钱。

B:OK. 行啊。