第 103 课:At the Jewelry Counter 在珠宝柜台-4

B:Yes, I would like to see a jade bracelet, too. 是的,我还要看看玉手镯。

C:Now, what do you think of this one? 你认为这个怎么样?

It is studded with tiny sapphires and emeralds. 好,这只镶有小蓝宝石和翡翠的怎么样?

It's priced at only five hundred yuan, not so expensive. 价钱只不过五百元, 并不太贵。

B:I hope these stones are genuine. 希望这些宝石是真的。

C:Oh, of course, sir. 噢,当然是真的,先生。

Ours is a well-known store and our wares are always dependable. 我们的货物都是可靠的。