第 104 课:At the Jewelry Counter 在珠宝柜台-5

This is kind of jade bracelets is one of your best-selling items. 这种玉镯是敝店的热门货之一。

B:All right, I'll take it. May I pay my bill in American currency? 好的,我买了。我可以用美元支付吗?

C:Yes. You can pay by converting RMB into American currency. 行,你可以将人民币折合成美元来支付。

B:That's a good idea. How many dollars can RMB 500 yuan be converted into? 好主意。500元人民币能折合成多少美元?

C:RMB 500 yuan can be converted into 70 dollars according to the rate of exchange today. 根据今天的兑换率, 500元人民币可以折合为70美元。

B:Here is 70 dollars. 这是70美元。

C:Thank you, Good-bye, sir. Please call Again. 谢谢。先生,再见。请再光临。