第 108 课:At the Art and Crafts Department 在工艺美术品部-4

S:It's worth 1,000 yuan. 价值1 000元。

B:It is nice, but I suppose it's too expensive. 这东西不错,但我想它太贵了。

S:It's our standard price. The price is moderate enough. 这是我们的标准价, 这价格够便宜的了。

B:Well. I'll take it. How much do I owe you? 好吧。我买下了。我一共要付多少钱?

S:480 yuan for the vases. 1,000 yuan for the remarkable horse by Xu Beihong. 一对花瓶480元,徐悲鸿的奔马图 l000元,

The cost of them will come to 1 480 yuan. 总共要l480元。

B:Here is the money. 给你钱。

S:Please pay at the cashier's there. 请到出纳台去付款。