第 110 课:At the Clothing Department 在服装部-2

S:This is a well-tailored blouse 这是一件裁制很好的女式衬衫。

This skirt is the latest fashion and of the best quality, very popular. 这条裙子是最新式的,质量最好,很流行。

B:How much do they come to? 一共要多少钱?

S:The blouse is worth 200 yuan, and the skirt is 160 yuan. 这件衬衫值200元,这条裙子是160元,

That'll be a total of 360 yuan. 共计360元。

B:Can you come down a bit? 你可以削一点价吗?

S:Three hundred and sixty yuan, you can't be wrong on that. 360元,这个价钱你 不会吃亏的。

That's our rock bottom price. 这是我们的最低价了。

B:Well, I'll take them both. 好吧,我买下了。