第 120 课:Seeing the Doctor 看病-2

You have slight tonsillitis,and your throat is inflamed. 你患有扁桃腺炎和咽喉炎。

How about your appetite? 食欲怎么样?

B:Not so good. 不太好。

D:Now, let me take your temperature. 让我量量你的体温,

Please put this their under your armpit and let me feel your pulse 请把这个体温计放到腋下再让我切切你的脉。

Your pulse is weak. (Later, after the doctor's reading the thermometer). 你的脉很弱。(过一会儿, 医生看过体温表。)

B:Do I have a temperature, doctor. 大夫,我发烧吗?

D:Yes. You have a high fever. ...38.9 (thirty-eight point nine degree centigrade 你发高烧,38度9。请把夹克和衬衫解开。