第 128 课:Visiting the Patient 看望有病的客人-3

He'll try to find time to come tomorrow morning. 他将在明天上午抽时间来.

B:Oh, I feel quite guilty, making you so much trouble. 哎呀,给你们添这么多麻烦,我真是深感内疚。

W:Don't say that, Mr. Brown. I'm afraid we don't look after you well enough. 不要这么说,布朗先生我还担心,我们对你照顾得不周到呢。

B:Yes, you do. You have been most considerate. 不,你们照顾得很周到

Xiao Yang, the attendant on this floor, is very kind. 本楼的服务员小杨很热情,

She took me to go to the hospital in time for treatment. 按时送我进医院治疗,

I think that's why I'm recovering so quickly. 这就是我为什么康复得这样快的原因。