第 38 课:At the Quarantine Office 在检疫处

O(Officer):Excuse me, could I see your health Declaration Form and Quarantine Certificate, please. 劳驾了,我能看看你健康卡和检疫证吗?

B:Of course, sir. Here you are. 当然可以,先生。给你。

O:When were you last vaccinated, sir? 先生,你最后一次种牛痘是什么时候?

B:About two years ago. 大约在两年前吧。

O:Then, your vaccination certificate is still valid. 那么,你的证书仍然有效。

B:Thank you.Anything else? 谢谢,还有什么事吗?

O:Everything is O.K. You may go through customs. 好啦,你可以去办海关手续了。

B:But, where is the customs house? 可是,海关大楼在哪里呢?

H:Look, that building is. I'll take you there. 看,那座大楼就是,我带你去。