第 41 课:Filling Out the Currency Declaration Form 填写货币申报单

L:Do you have anything do declare, Mr. Brown? 布朗先生,你有什么东西要申报吗?

B:I have some foreign currency to declare. 我有一些外币要申报。

L:Any other valuable to declare? 还有什么贵重物品要申报吗?

B:No. I have only US $4,000 and some British pounds. 不,我只有4,000美元和一些英镑。

L:Would you please fill out this currency declaration form? 请你填写这张货币申报单,

It's a record of the foreigh currency you have brought in. 它记录了你带来的外币,

You can do it at the desk over there. 你可去那边那张桌子上填写。

B:All right. Could I write with pen or pencil? 好吧,我用钢笔填写还是用铅笔填写?

L:With pen, please. 请用钢笔填写。

B:May I use your pen? 借你的钢笔用一下好吗?

L:Of course. You are welcome. 当然可以,用吧。

B:Thank you. 谢谢。